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How construction can emerge stronger after Coronavirus

“Engineering, construction, and building materials have a vital role to play in a post-pandemic recovery of our communities and economies. Seven actions can help companies prepare for the next normal.”

“In this difficult time, construction matters more than ever. From building hospitals in just a few days to donating lifesaving equipment, the industry has played a critical role in responding to the crisis and in the recovery. The industry represents 13 percent of global GDP, and unlocking currently constrained labor availability could help drive recovery while addressing our most pressing construction-related needs.”

“Organizations must think through the moves they can make today to come out ahead later. A fast return to business as usual seems unlikely for the industry: leaders must first define and prepare for what the construction industry will look like after the crisis. Seven actions can help them anticipate and adapt to the next normal.”

1 Comment

  • Obila Doe

    November 9, 2019 - 2:09 am

    Construction is typically much more volatile than the overall economy. It reduced economic activity results in less demand for new commercial or industrial facilities, and ambiguity further dampens investment.

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