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Top 12 Construction Issues & Challenges

“The construction industry has been living through an exciting phase of its life, growing nonstop and facing many challenges at the same time. Some of these challenges are relatively new; others are as old as the industry itself.

There are several different approaches to construction issues, as well. For example, sometimes slow technology adoption rates are treated as a single big challenge, and sometimes it is treated as a multitude of different problems – including communication problems, scheduling problems, problems with documentation, and so on.”


“The construction industry is quite old and has been through a lot. Some of the problems are extremely old; others have become more prominent in recent years and were not a problem before. In this article, we’ve tried to go over the most significant construction issues on the market, as well as some of the means of avoiding or eliminating them.”


For all the 12 Construction Issues & Challenges we recommend you to click the following link,



  • Riva Collins

    November 9, 2019 - 2:07 am

    Definitely a good read, thanks for suggesting the article. Cheers!

  • Obila Doe

    November 9, 2019 - 2:09 am

    The pandemic represents a shock to supply. We may be unable to reach jobsites and will need to adhere to new on-site protocols that will reduce productivity for the foreseeable future.

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